Recreation Program Summary

2025 Soccer season

We offer Fall recreational soccer for kids with birth years 2007 -2021. Practices will begin in late August. Games will begin the Saturday after Labor Day for eight weeks.


There will be a bye-week mid season and a single elimination style tournament at the end of the season for the 6v6, 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 groups.  The HS Coed group will have a 9th week in lieu of a tournament.

2021 COED "Footies" 

This age group will have six evening clinic sessions this Fall.

2020 Boys and 2020 girls

This age group will play 4v4. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2019 boys and 2019 girls

This age group will play 5v5. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2018 boys and 2018 girls

Introduction to rules of the game. 6v6 developmental play with goalies. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2016-2017 boys and 2016-2017 girls

Follows US Soccer rules of the game. 7v7 with goalies. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2014-2015 boys and 2014-2015 girls

Follows US Soccer rules of the game. 9v9 with goalies. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2013-2011 boys and 2013-2010 girls

Follows US Soccer rules of the game. 11v11 with goalies. There will be one evening practice a week and Saturday games.

2010-2007 HS coed

Follows US Soccer rules of the game. 11v11 with goalies.

By constant self -discipline and self control you can develop greatness of character

-Grenville Kleise

Keep working even when no one is watching.

-Alex Morgan

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.

-Michael John Bobak

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.


Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much

-Helen Keller

I learned all about life with a ball at my feet.
